Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Dogs D'Amour - The State I'm In

Apparently it's Dogs D'Amour week. Not sure why, but later on I will be meeting some friends up in Hoxton Square, who were planning a Dogs D'Amour 'tour' of London sites, i.e. Kensington, Powis Square and up in Highgate (you all know where).

Instead I anticipate rounding off the evening pondering the state I'm in, particularly as I'm hoping to find somewhere between work and Hoxton that sells that delightful beverage, Thunderbird. A regular tipple between 1989-1993 (along with Clan Dew and 20/20), I haven't touched a drop since approximately 1996 and am fairly certain that my older taste buds will be appalled ...

Previous posts:

Dogs D’Amour – Bristol Bierkeller 13/03/89


Unknown said...

and didn't Hoxton Square just love that tape of the Dogs live in '89... Or did they enjoy "Kirsten Jet" more? it was hard to tell

DGW said...

They couldn't get enough of it. DDW2012 is going to be bigger than the Olympics I reckon.