Friday, 25 June 2010

The Dogs D'Amour - I Don't Want You To Go

Classic stuff ... all I wanted to do at the time was move to London and this video didn't help! Finally managed it a couple of years later though.


The Fisher King said...

top choice there Mr W

The Fisher King said...

top stuff there Mr W.

DGW said...

I see you took the Edwin Starr approach there ...

Btw, the YouTube links have been partly inspired by your recent postings on Facebook!

Sam said...

I almost saw Dogs D'Amour once. I was in the crowd at the Astoria chatting to my girlfriend and the leader singer of Dawn After Dark stagedived into my head. After being stitched up in some London hospital I found out that Tyler appeared with a bottle of Jack, sang half a song, and then fell off the stage. End of gig.